Wedding Crashers Stage a Craigslist Stunt

Wedding Crashers Stage a Craigslist Stunt

Two wedding crashers pulled off an elaborate stunt by posting an ad on Craigslist offering to "crash your wedding for a fee." The ad, which was posted in the "services" section of Craigslist, offered to provide a "professional wedding crasher" who would attend the wedding and "make a scene." The ad received over 100 responses, and the two men who posted it were able to successfully crash two weddings.

The two men, who have only been identified as "Mike" and "Dave," said they came up with the idea for the stunt after attending a wedding where they felt bored and out of place. They decided to see if they could make some money by offering their services as professional wedding crashers.

The ad that the men posted on Craigslist read as follows:

"Professional wedding crasher available for hire. Will attend your wedding and make a scene. Guaranteed to get a reaction from your guests. Fee: $500."

The ad received over 100 responses, and the men were able to successfully crash two weddings. The first wedding they crashed was a small, outdoor wedding in a park. The men arrived at the wedding dressed in matching suits and carrying briefcases. They walked up to the altar and stood behind the couple who were getting married. As the officiant was about to pronounce the couple husband and wife, one of the men shouted, "Objection!"

The entire wedding party turned around to look at the men. The men then began to read a prepared statement, in which they objected to the marriage on the grounds that the couple was not meant for each other. The guests were stunned, and the officiant asked the men to leave. The men refused, and they continued to read their statement. After a few minutes, the police arrived and escorted the men off the premises.

The second wedding the men crashed was a large, indoor wedding in a ballroom. The men arrived at the wedding dressed in different outfits. One of the men was dressed as a waiter, and the other was dressed as a photographer. They blended into the crowd and began to serve food and take pictures. After a while, the men began to make their move. They started by spilling food on guests' clothes. Then, they began to take inappropriate pictures of the guests. Finally, they started to dance on the dance floor and sing off-key.

The guests were not amused by the men's behavior. They began to complain to the wedding planner, and the wedding planner asked the men to leave. The men refused, and they continued to cause a disturbance. After a few minutes, the police arrived and escorted the men off the premises.

The two men who crashed the weddings said they were happy with the results of their stunt. They said they made a lot of money and they had a lot of fun. They also said they plan to continue crashing weddings in the future.

The weddings that the men crashed were not the only ones that were affected by their stunt. The ad that they posted on Craigslist also caused a lot of controversy. Some people praised the men for their creativity and their willingness to take risks. Others condemned the men for their behavior, saying that it was disrespectful to the couples who were getting married.

The debate over the men's stunt is likely to continue. However, there is no doubt that the men's actions have had a major impact on the wedding industry. Couples who are planning to get married are now more aware of the possibility of wedding crashers, and they are taking more precautions to prevent them from ruining their special day.

wedding crashers stage 5 clinger

Wedding crashers are uninvited guests who attend weddings without being invited. They can be a nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests. There are different types of wedding crashers, but one of the most common is the "stage 5 clinger." Stage 5 wedding crashers have no shame. They will stop at nothing to get their way. They will do anything from crashing the wedding to stalking the couple after the wedding.

  • uninvited guests
  • nuisance to the couple
  • different types
  • stage 5 clinger
  • no shame
  • stop at nothing
  • crash the wedding
  • stalk the couple
  • after the wedding

If you are planning a wedding, there are a few things you can do to prevent wedding crashers from ruining your big day. First, you should create a guest list and stick to it. Second, you should hire security guards to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, you should spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

uninvited guests

Uninvited guests are people who attend a wedding without being invited. They can be friends, family members, or even strangers. Uninvited guests can be a nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests. They can take up space, eat and drink the food and drinks that are meant for the invited guests, and generally disrupt the flow of the wedding.

There are many reasons why uninvited guests might attend a wedding. Some uninvited guests may simply not know that they are not invited. They may have heard about the wedding through word-of-mouth or social media, and they may have assumed that they were invited. Other uninvited guests may know that they are not invited, but they may decide to attend anyway. They may hope that the couple will not notice them, or they may simply not care that they are not invited.

Wedding crashers are a type of uninvited guest who intentionally attend a wedding without being invited. Wedding crashers often have ulterior motives, such as getting free food and drinks, meeting new people, or causing trouble. Wedding crashers can be a major nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests. They can disrupt the flow of the wedding, and they can even be dangerous.

There are a few things that couples can do to prevent uninvited guests from attending their wedding. First, they can create a guest list and stick to it. Second, they can hire security guards to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, they can spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

nuisance to the couple

Wedding crashers can be a major nuisance to the couple getting married. They can disrupt the flow of the wedding, and they can even be dangerous. Here are some of the ways that wedding crashers can be a nuisance to the couple:

They can take up space.

Wedding venues are often booked to capacity. When wedding crashers attend a wedding, they take up space that could have been used by invited guests. This can be a problem, especially if the wedding venue is small.

They can eat and drink the food and drinks that are meant for the invited guests.

Wedding food and drinks can be expensive. When wedding crashers eat and drink the food and drinks that are meant for the invited guests, they are taking away from the couple's budget. This can be a problem, especially if the couple is on a tight budget.

They can disrupt the flow of the wedding.

Weddings are carefully planned events. When wedding crashers attend a wedding, they can disrupt the flow of the event. They may interrupt the ceremony, the reception, or even the couple's first dance. This can be a problem, especially if the couple wants their wedding to be a special and memorable event.

They can be dangerous.

Wedding crashers can be dangerous, especially if they are intoxicated or if they have ulterior motives. They may start fights, damage property, or even assault guests. This can be a problem, especially if the couple wants their wedding to be a safe and enjoyable event.

If you are planning a wedding, there are a few things you can do to prevent wedding crashers from ruining your big day. First, you can create a guest list and stick to it. Second, you can hire security guards to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, you can spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

different types

There are many different types of wedding crashers. Some wedding crashers are harmless and simply want to have a good time. Other wedding crashers have more sinister motives, such as getting free food and drinks, meeting new people, or causing trouble. Here are some of the most common types of wedding crashers:

The Opportunist: This type of wedding crasher is simply looking for a free meal and drinks. They may have heard about the wedding through word-of-mouth or social media, and they may have decided to attend without an invitation. Opportunists are often harmless, but they can still be a nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests.

The Attention-Seeker: This type of wedding crasher loves to be the center of attention. They may dress in outrageous clothing, or they may behave in a disruptive manner. Attention-seekers are often harmless, but they can still be a nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests.

The Stalker: This type of wedding crasher is obsessed with the couple getting married. They may have known the couple in the past, or they may have simply become obsessed with them after seeing them on social media. Stalkers can be dangerous, and they should be reported to the authorities immediately.

The Ex: This type of wedding crasher is the former partner of the bride or groom. They may still be in love with their ex, or they may simply want to cause trouble. Exes can be dangerous, and they should be reported to the authorities immediately.

stage crap crasher

The stage crap wedding crasher is a type of wedding crasher who takes their crashing to the next level. They will go to great lengths to disrupt the wedding and cause chaos. They may even dress up in costume or bring props with them. They may also try to start fights or make speeches. Stage crap wedding crashers are often looking for attention and they will do anything to get it. They can be a major nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests.
  • They are often looking for attention. Stage crap wedding crashers want to be the center of attention and they will do anything to get it. They may dress up in outrageous clothing, bring props with them, or even try to start fights. They just want people to look at them.
  • They can be dangerous. Stage crap wedding crashers can be dangerous because they are often unpredictable. They may start fights, damage property, or even assault guests. They can ruin what is supposed to be a happy day for the couple getting married.
If you are planning a wedding, there are a few things you can do to prevent stage crap wedding crashers from ruining your big day. First, create a guest list and stick to it. Second, hire security guards to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

no shame

Stage 5 wedding crashers have no shame. They will do anything to get their way, even if it means embarrassing themselves or ruining someone else's big day. They may crash multiple weddings in a single day, and they may even target specific couples or venues. Stage 5 wedding crashers are often driven by a need for attention or a desire to cause chaos.

There are many reasons why stage 5 wedding crashers have no shame. Some of them may have been rejected or humiliated in the past, and they may now be seeking revenge. Others may simply be attention-seekers who enjoy the thrill of getting a reaction from others. Whatever their motivations, stage 5 wedding crashers are a nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests.

If you are planning a wedding, there are a few things you can do to prevent stage 5 wedding crashers from ruining your big day. First, create a guest list and stick to it. Second, hire security guards to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

If a stage 5 wedding crasher does manage to crash your wedding, the best thing to do is to ignore them. Do not give them the attention they are seeking. If they become disruptive, you can ask the security guards to remove them from the venue.

stop at nothing

Stage 5 wedding crashers will stop at nothing to get their way. They may use deception, intimidation, or even violence to gain entry to a wedding venue. They may also try to sabotage the wedding ceremony or reception. Stage 5 wedding crashers are a serious threat to the safety and security of the couple getting married and their guests.

Here are some examples of the things that stage 5 wedding crashers may do to stop at nothing:

  • They may lie or deceive to gain entry to the wedding venue. They may pretend to be a guest or a vendor, or they may simply try to sneak in unnoticed.
  • They may intimidate or threaten the security guards or other staff at the wedding venue. They may try to force their way into the venue, or they may threaten to harm the guests or staff if they are not allowed in.
  • They may use violence to gain entry to the wedding venue or to sabotage the wedding ceremony or reception. They may attack the security guards or other staff, or they may damage the property or food.

crash the wedding

Stage 5 wedding crashers will do whatever it takes to crash the wedding, even if it means causing a scene or getting themselves arrested. They may dress up in outrageous clothing, bring props with them, or even try to start a fight. Stage 5 wedding crashers are often looking for attention, and they will do anything to get it.

  • They may try to blend in with the guests. Stage 5 wedding crashers may dress up in formal clothing and try to blend in with the guests. They may even bring a fake invitation to make it look like they were invited.
  • They may try to distract the security or other staff. Stage 5 wedding crashers may try to distract the security or other staff by starting a commotion or causing a scene. This will give them an opportunity to sneak into the venue.
  • They may try to force their way into the venue. Stage 5 wedding crashers may try to force their way into the venue by pushing or shoving the security or other staff. They may also try to damage the property or force open the doors.
  • They may try to sabotage the wedding ceremony or reception. Stage 5 wedding crashers may try to sabotage the wedding ceremony or reception by disrupting the proceedings or causing a scene. They may also try to damage the property or food.

If you are planning a wedding, there are a few things you can do to prevent stage 5 wedding crashers from ruining your big day. First, create a guest list and stick to it. Second, hire security to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

stalk the couple

Stage 5 wedding crashers may stalk the couple after the wedding. They may follow the couple home, or they may try to contact them through social media or email. Stage 5 wedding crashers may even try to show up at the couple's home or workplace. Stalking is a serious crime, and it can be very frightening for the victims.

There are a few things that the couple can do to protect themselves from being stalked by a stage 5 wedding crasher. First, they should report the stalking to the police. The police can investigate the stalking and take steps to protect the couple.

Second, the couple should change their phone numbers and email addresses. They should also be careful about what information they post on social media.

Third, the couple should install a security system at their home. They should also be careful about who they let into their home.

after the wedding

Stage 5 wedding crashers may continue to stalk the couple after the wedding. They may follow the couple on social media, or they may even try to contact them directly. Stage 5 wedding crashers may also try to sabotage the couple's relationship or marriage. They may spread rumors about the couple, or they may try to break up the couple.

There are a few things that the couple can do to protect themselves from a stage 5 wedding crasher after the wedding. First, they should report the stalking to the police. The police can investigate the stalking and take steps to protect the couple.

Second, the couple should be careful about what information they post on social media. They should also be careful about who they let into their home.

Third, the couple should consider getting a restraining order against the stage 5 wedding crasher. A restraining order is a court order that prohibits the stage 5 wedding crasher from contacting or coming near the couple.


Here are some frequently asked questions about wedding crashers:

Question 1: What is a wedding crasher?
Answer: A wedding crasher is an uninvited guest who attends a wedding without being invited. Question 2: Why do people crash weddings?
Answer: People crash weddings for a variety of reasons, including to get free food and drinks, to meet new people, or to cause trouble. Question 3: What are the different types of wedding crashers?
Answer: There are many different types of wedding crashers, including the opportunist, the attention-seeker, the stalker, and the ex. Question 4: How can I prevent wedding crashers from ruining my wedding?
Answer: There are a few things you can do to prevent wedding crashers from ruining your wedding, including creating a guest list and sticking to it, hiring security, and spreading the word that wedding crashers are not welcome. Question 5: What should I do if a wedding crasher crashes my wedding?
Answer: If a wedding crasher crashes your wedding, the best thing to do is to ignore them. Do not give them the attention they are seeking. If they become disruptive, you can ask the security guards to remove them from the venue. Question 6: What are the legal consequences of wedding crashing?
Answer: Wedding crashing is a misdemeanor offense in most states. If you are caught crashing a wedding, you may be arrested and charged with a crime.

I hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Here are a few tips to help you prevent wedding crashers from ruining your big day:

Tip 1: Create a guest list and stick to it.

The best way to prevent wedding crashers is to create a guest list and stick to it. Only invite people who you know and trust. If you are not sure whether or not someone should be invited, it is better to err on the side of caution and not invite them.

Tip 2: Hire security.

If you are concerned about wedding crashers, you can hire security to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Security guards can check invitations at the door and remove any uninvited guests who try to enter.

Tip 3: Spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

Let your guests know that wedding crashers are not welcome. You can do this by posting a sign at the door of the wedding venue, or by including a message in your wedding invitations.

Tip 4: Be prepared to deal with wedding crashers.

Even if you take all the necessary precautions, there is still a chance that a wedding crasher may try to attend your wedding. If this happens, the best thing to do is to ignore them. Do not give them the attention they are seeking. If they become disruptive, you can ask the security guards to remove them from the venue.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent wedding crashers from ruining your wedding day.


Wedding crashers are a nuisance to the couple getting married and their guests. They can disrupt the flow of the wedding, and they can even be dangerous.

There are a few things that couples can do to prevent wedding crashers from ruining their big day. First, they can create a guest list and stick to it. Second, they can hire security to keep uninvited guests out of the wedding venue. Third, they can spread the word that wedding crashers are not welcome.

If a wedding crasher does manage to crash your wedding, the best thing to do is to ignore them. Do not give them the attention they are seeking. If they become disruptive, you can ask the security guards to remove them from the venue.

Wedding crashing is a serious issue, but it can be prevented. By following the tips in this article, you can help to ensure that your wedding day is a happy and memorable event.

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