Corpse Bride Wedding Vow

Corpse Bride Wedding Vow

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a famous and iconic passage from the 2005 animated film of the same name. The vow is spoken by the Corpse Bride, Emily, to her groom, Victor Van Dort, on their wedding day. The vow is a declaration of love and devotion, and it is full of passion and emotion.

The vow begins with Emily declaring her love for Victor, saying, "With this hand, I give you my heart." She then goes on to list all of the things she would do to make Victor happy, including protecting him from harm and always being there for him. The vow is a beautiful and moving declaration of love, and it shows how much Emily cares for Victor.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a powerful reminder of the importance of love and commitment. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Corpse Bride Wedding Vow

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a famous and iconic passage from the 2005 animated film of the same name. The vow is spoken by the Corpse Bride, Emily, to her groom, Victor Van Dort, on their wedding day. The vow is a declaration of love and devotion, and it is full of passion and emotion.

  • Declaration of love
  • Promise of devotion
  • Protection from harm
  • Eternal companionship
  • Symbol of commitment
  • Reminder of love's power
  • Importance of marriage
  • Beauty of true love
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Power of forgiveness

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a powerful reminder of the importance of love and commitment. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Declaration of love

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a declaration of love, pure and simple. Emily's love for Victor is evident in every word of the vow, from the way she says his name to the promises she makes to him. She loves him for who he is, not for what he can give her. She loves him unconditionally, even though he is not perfect.

Emily's love for Victor is also evident in the way she protects him. When Victor is in danger, Emily does not hesitate to put herself in harm's way to save him. She is willing to do whatever it takes to keep him safe and happy.

Emily's love for Victor is a powerful force that overcomes all obstacles. When Victor is taken back to the land of the living, Emily follows him, determined to be with him. She does not care that she is a corpse and that he is alive. She only cares that they are together.

Emily's love for Victor is a reminder that love is stronger than death. It is a love that will last forever.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving declaration of love. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Promise of devotion

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a promise of devotion. Emily promises to be there for Victor, no matter what. She promises to love him, honor him, and cherish him, all the days of her life.

  • To have and to hold

    Emily promises to be there for Victor, through thick and thin. She will always be there to support him, no matter what challenges they face.

  • For better or for worse

    Emily promises to love Victor unconditionally, even when things are difficult. She will never give up on him, no matter what.

  • For richer or for poorer

    Emily promises to love Victor for who he is, not for what he has. She does not care about his wealth or status. She only cares about his heart.

  • In sickness and in health

    Emily promises to take care of Victor, no matter what. She will be there for him when he is sick or injured. She will always put his needs before her own.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving promise of devotion. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Protection from harm

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow also includes a promise of protection from harm. Emily promises to do everything in her power to keep Victor safe from danger. She will not let anything happen to him, no matter what.

Emily's promise of protection is evident in the way she acts throughout the film. When Victor is in danger, Emily does not hesitate to put herself in harm's way to save him. She fights off zombies, demons, and even the devil himself to protect Victor.

Emily's promise of protection is also evident in the way she watches over Victor after they are married. She is always there for him, even when he does not know it. She protects him from nightmares, from danger, and from himself.

Emily's promise of protection is a reminder that true love is not just about words. It is about actions. It is about being there for someone, no matter what. It is about protecting them from harm, even at the cost of your own life.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving promise of protection from harm. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Eternal companionship

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow also includes a promise of eternal companionship. Emily promises to stay with Victor forever, no matter what. She will never leave him, and she will always be there for him.

  • Till death do us part

    Emily promises to stay with Victor until the day they die. She will not leave him, even if he is injured, sick, or old.

  • Beyond the grave

    Emily promises to stay with Victor even after they die. She will follow him to the afterlife, and she will be with him for all eternity.

  • In good times and bad

    Emily promises to stay with Victor through thick and thin. She will be there for him when he is happy and when he is sad. She will never give up on him, no matter what.

  • Forever and always

    Emily promises to stay with Victor forever and always. She will never leave him, and she will always be there for him. No matter what happens, they will be together.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving promise of eternal companionship. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Symbol of commitment

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a symbol of commitment. When Emily and Victor exchange vows, they are making a public declaration of their love and commitment to each other. They are promising to spend the rest of their lives together, no matter what.

  • A promise to each other

    The wedding vows are a promise that Emily and Victor make to each other. They are promising to love, honor, and cherish each other, all the days of their lives.

  • A promise to the world

    The wedding vows are also a promise to the world. Emily and Victor are declaring their love and commitment to each other in front of their family and friends. They are showing the world that they are serious about their relationship.

  • A symbol of their love

    The wedding vows are a symbol of Emily and Victor's love for each other. The words they speak are a reflection of the deep love and commitment they feel for each other.

  • A reminder of their commitment

    The wedding vows are a reminder of Emily and Victor's commitment to each other. The words they speak will stay with them throughout their lives, and they will serve as a reminder of the promises they made to each other on their wedding day.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving symbol of commitment. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Reminder of love's power

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a reminder of love's power. Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that it overcomes all obstacles. It is a love that is stronger than death itself.

  • Love conquers all

    Emily and Victor's love for each other overcomes all obstacles. They are able to overcome the prejudices of their families, the disapproval of society, and even the barriers of death.

  • Love is stronger than death

    Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that it is not even stopped by death. Emily is willing to give up her own life to be with Victor, and Victor is willing to give up his life to be with Emily.

  • Love is eternal

    Emily and Victor's love for each other is eternal. It will last forever, even after they are both gone.

  • Love is the most powerful force in the world

    Emily and Victor's love for each other is a reminder that love is the most powerful force in the world. It is a force that can overcome anything.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder of love's power. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Importance of marriage

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a reminder of the importance of marriage. Marriage is a sacred union between two people who love each other. It is a commitment to spend the rest of your life together, no matter what.

Marriage is important for many reasons. It provides a sense of stability and security. It gives couples a sense of belonging and purpose. It helps couples to grow and learn together. And it provides a foundation for raising a family.

Emily and Victor's wedding vow is a reminder that marriage is not just a legal contract. It is a sacred bond between two people who love each other. It is a commitment to spend the rest of your life together, no matter what.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder of the importance of marriage. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and it should not be entered into lightly. It is important to make sure that you are ready for marriage before you take the plunge. You should be sure that you are both committed to each other and that you are prepared to face the challenges of marriage together.

Beauty of true love

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a reminder of the beauty of true love. Emily and Victor's love for each other is a pure and selfless love. It is a love that is not based on physical appearance or social status. It is a love that is based on their shared values and their deep connection to each other.

Emily and Victor's love is a reminder that true love is not always easy. It can be messy and complicated. But it is also the most beautiful and rewarding thing in the world.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a celebration of the beauty of true love. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

True love is a gift. It is something to be cherished and nurtured. If you are lucky enough to find true love, never let it go.

True love is not always easy to find, but it is worth the effort. When you find true love, it will make your life richer and more meaningful. True love will make you a better person, and it will help you to achieve your full potential.

Overcoming obstacles

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a reminder that love can overcome all obstacles. Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that it overcomes the prejudices of their families, the disapproval of society, and even the barriers of death.

  • Prejudice

    Emily and Victor's families are from different social classes, and they do not approve of their relationship. But Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that they are willing to overcome the prejudice of their families.

  • Disapproval of society

    Emily and Victor's relationship is not accepted by society. But Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that they are willing to face the disapproval of society.

  • Death

    Emily is a corpse, and Victor is alive. But Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that it overcomes the barriers of death.

  • Anything

    Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that it can overcome any obstacle. No matter what challenges they face, their love will always be there to help them through.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder that love can overcome all obstacles. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Power of forgiveness

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is also a reminder of the power of forgiveness. Emily and Victor are both flawed characters, and they have both made mistakes. But they are both willing to forgive each other and move on with their lives.

  • Forgiveness is essential for love

    Emily and Victor's love for each other is so strong that they are able to forgive each other's mistakes. Forgiveness is essential for any healthy relationship, and it is especially important in marriage.

  • Forgiveness allows us to move on

    Emily and Victor are able to move on with their lives because they are willing to forgive each other. Forgiveness allows us to let go of the past and move on to the future.

  • Forgiveness is a gift

    Forgiveness is a gift that we give to ourselves and to others. When we forgive, we are not only letting go of the past, but we are also opening ourselves up to new possibilities.

  • Forgiveness is powerful

    Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It can heal wounds, mend broken relationships, and bring peace to our hearts.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder of the power of forgiveness. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Corpse Bride's wedding vow:

Question 1: What is the Corpse Bride's wedding vow?
Answer 1: The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a declaration of love, devotion, protection from harm, eternal companionship, and commitment.

Question 2: What does the Corpse Bride's wedding vow symbolize?
Answer 2: The Corpse Bride's wedding vow symbolizes love, commitment, and the power of forgiveness.

Question 3: What is the significance of the Corpse Bride's wedding vow?
Answer 3: The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a reminder of the importance of love, marriage, and forgiveness.

Question 4: How can I incorporate the Corpse Bride's wedding vow into my own wedding ceremony?
Answer 4: You can incorporate the Corpse Bride's wedding vow into your own wedding ceremony by reading it aloud, using it as inspiration for your own vows, or incorporating it into your wedding rituals.

Question 5: What are some tips for writing my own wedding vows?
Answer 5: Some tips for writing your own wedding vows include being personal, being honest, and being creative.

Question 6: What are some examples of other wedding vows?
Answer 6: Some examples of other wedding vows include traditional vows, contemporary vows, and religious vows.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder of the importance of love, marriage, and forgiveness. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

Here are some additional tips for writing your own wedding vows:


Here are some tips for writing your own wedding vows:

Be personal. Your wedding vows should be a reflection of your unique relationship. Share your favorite memories, inside jokes, and dreams for the future.

Be honest. Don't try to be someone you're not. Be true to yourself and your feelings. Your partner will appreciate your honesty.

Be creative. There are no rules when it comes to writing wedding vows. You can be as creative as you want. Use your imagination and have fun with it.

Practice. Once you've written your vows, practice reading them aloud. This will help you to feel more confident on your wedding day.

Writing your own wedding vows is a special and meaningful experience. By following these tips, you can create vows that are unique and personal to you and your partner.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder of the importance of love, marriage, and forgiveness. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.


The Corpse Bride's wedding vow is a beautiful and moving reminder of the importance of love, marriage, and forgiveness. It is a vow that should be taken seriously by all who are considering marriage, and it is a vow that should be kept throughout a lifetime.

The Corpse Bride's wedding vow teaches us that love is stronger than death. It teaches us that marriage is a sacred union between two people who love each other. And it teaches us that forgiveness is essential for any healthy relationship.

If you are lucky enough to find true love, cherish it. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, but it is a commitment that is worth making. And if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to forgive, remember the Corpse Bride's wedding vow. Forgiveness is powerful. It can heal wounds, mend broken relationships, and bring peace to your heart.

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